Harmeet Rai


/ 3 min read



Hey there, fellow traveler on this journey we call life. You know, that big question of why we’re here and what it all means. I’ve come to believe that our purpose is not some grand destiny written in the stars but something much simpler and yet infinitely profound: it’s us.

Think about it. You came into this world alone, and you’ll leave it alone. That’s a fact we all have to come to terms with. But in between those two points lies a vast expanse of possibilities, choices, and moments that are uniquely yours. Sometimes, we need to let go of the things that weigh us down and find ourselves in a state of flow, where everything just clicks into place.

Your purpose might change over time, and that’s okay. The important thing is to keep working on yourself, to trust that you’ll do what’s right and good and noble. A good life isn’t about the external trappings of success or the dreams on a vision board. It’s about building yourself from the inside out, about your conduct and what you prioritize.

If you don’t know what you want in life, you’ll just drift through it without truly living. To achieve freedom, we need to think for ourselves, to let go of the fear of ourselves and the fear of others. Your purpose could be as simple as offering a smile to someone who needs it or as complex as the career you’ve chosen for this decade.

When you realize that you’re always making an impact on the world around you, you start to see that the most meaningful thing you can do is to work on yourself. To consciously become the happiest, kindest, and most gracious version of yourself. By doing that, you uplift others to do the same, and you make a real impact.

Comfort and complacency aren’t options on this journey. We have to seek discomfort, to become the heroes of our own lives and the creators of our own futures. In the end, your purpose won’t be defined by the struggles you faced or the circumstances you were in. It will be defined by how you responded to those challenges, who you were to the people in your life, and what you did each day to change the course of humanity, even if only in a small way.

So, let’s keep working on ourselves, let’s keep seeking discomfort, and let’s keep making that impact. After all, that’s what purpose is all about.